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Mu'izz ud-Din Muhammad bin Sam (AH 589-602 / CE 1193-1206)
We start with the person who started it all, Mu'izz ad-Din Muhammad bin Sam, also known as Muhammad Ghori. He defeated Prithwiraj the third in the second battle of Tarain and occupied Dehli (note the spelling, it wasn't Delhi till the british came) after the Battle of Chandwar, defeating Raja Jaichand of Kannauj, who declined to help Prithwiraj. He did not stayed back but left all the affairs in India in hands of his slave Qutbu l-Din Aibak and started returning to Ghazni. He was assassinated on March 15, 1206.
Here I will show three coins of Muhammad Sam.

Billon Jital from Budaun
Wt : 3.11 gm Dia: 14.42 mm
Obv: Stylised bull facing left, Sri Mahamada Sama in Nagari above. Various symbols over jhul
Rev: Stylised Horseman
Ref: D07

Billon Jital from Dehli
Obv: Stylized Bull facing left, trident on rump, circular legend in Nagari beginning from 7 o' clock: Sri / Ma / Ha / Ma / Da / Sa / Ma (Sri Mahamad Sam).
Rev: Rider on Horseback holding spear in right hand, inverted triangle of dots on rump of horse, circular legend in Nagari beginning at 9 o' clock: Sri / Ha/ Mi / Ra (Sri Hamira). (Note: 'Hamira' is corrupt for 'Amir' that means Leader or Commander).
Wt: 3.46 gm
Ref: D10
This one is from the mint in Dehli and hence called Dehliwal.

This billion Jital is from mint of Lahore and written in Kufic script in Arabic.
Obv: Al-sultan al-mu'azzam mu'izz al-dunya wa'l din.
Rev: Abu'l muzaffar muhammad bin sam.
Wt : 3.37 gm
Dia: 14.15 mm
Ref: D13

BI Jital, Lahore, Not Dated
Obv: al sultan al azam muhammad bin sam in Arabic
Rev: horseman to right
Wt :3.26 gm
Dia:15.2 mm
Ref: D012

BI Jital, Lahore, Not Dated
Obv: Al-sultan al-mu'azzam mu'izz al-dunya wa'l din.
Rev: muhammad bin sam. a star or six petal flower above muhammad
Wt :3.00 gm
Dia:14.4 mm
Ref: D014
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