Muhammad bin Tughluq (Jauna Khan) was the eldest son of Ghiyas -ud -Din -Tughlaq, and ruled Dehli after his fathers death from 1 February 1325 to 20 March 1351. He was interested in medicine and was skilled in several languages — Persian, Arabic, Turkish and Sanskrit. While he had good intentions of inviting learned men to his court and implementing new policies, he remained largely unsuccessful and failed in most of his enterprises. He faced attacks of Mongols, dissension within his own support group, and rebellions from a very large and diverse population. In an effort to adapt to his growing empire, he attempted to shift his capital from Delhi to Daulatabad, which was supposed to be a more central location, but it was a disastrous decision and was costly to implement. Ziauddin Barani observes: "Without consultation or weighting the pros and cons, he brought ruin on Delhi which for 170 to 180 years had grown in prosperity and rivaled Baghdad and Cairo. The city with its Sarais and suburbs and villages spread over four or five leagues, all was destroyed (i.e., deserted). Not a cat or a dog was left.
The following year, there started rebellion in northern and eastern India. There was an outbreak of bubonic plague at Bidar due to which Tughluq himself became ill. Fearing that the sultanate's northern borders were exposed to attacks, in 1335, he decided to shift the capital back to Delhi, allowing the citizens to return to their previous city.
After the death of Genghis Khan, the central Asia khanates became unstable and Tughlaq planned to occupy the same, Fir which he raised an army of possibly up to three million, paid them for a year and when he could not sustain them, disbanded the army.
It was during his reign that Turkish empire of Delhi collapsed by twofold resistance. One was from Rajputs led by Hammir Singh of Mewar liberating Rajputana, and the other from Harihara and Bukka of South India, who founded the Vijayanagara Empire. Tughluq died in 1351 on his way to Thatta, Sindh while campaigning in Sindh against Taghi, a Turkish slave tribe.
Muhammad bin Tughluq issued most complex and different coins in the Dehli sultanate. We will discuss the coinage a bit later but we now talk about the most disastrous coinage decision he made. That is the issue of copper/brass tanka also known as the forced tanka. he issued token currency; that is coins of brass and copper were minted whose value was equal to that of gold and silver coins. This experiment failed, because, as said by Barani, "the house of every Hindu became a mint". As a result, the value of coins decreased and the coins became "as worthless as stones". This also disrupted the trade and commerce. The use of token currency has stopped in 1333 with the royal treasury had to exchange the forced coinage (both legal and illegal coins) with silver and gold.
Muhammad bin Tughluq issued the coinage in most innovative manner. The coinage can be divided in five types:
a. Coins struck in memory of his father and quoting his name.
b. Normal sultani issue coins quoting the sultans name.
c. Forced token coins quoting the sultans name.
d. Coins struck in the name of the Abbasid caliphs
e. Joint issue of coins with the sultans of Bengal
Coins struck in memory of his father and quoting his name:
Billon 6 Gani, in memory of his father Ghiyas al-Din Tughlaq
Obv: Al sultan al said al sahid al gazi ghiyath al dunya wa'l din
Rev: Abul muzaffar tughlaq shah al sultan anara allah burhanahu, Date at bottom
Wt : 3.64 gm
Dia: 15.0 mm
Ref: D328
Normal sultani issue coins quoting the sultans name.
Billon 1 Tanka
Obv: Duriba fi zaman al- 'abd al raji rahmat allah muhammad bin
Rev: Al sultan al-sa'Id al - shahid tughlaq shah and date in arabic at bottom.
Wt : 9.09 gm
Dia: 18.5 mm
Ref: D370

Billon 1 Tanka
Obv: Duriba fi zaman a'- 'abd al rafi rahmat allah muhammad bin
Rev: Al sultan al-sa'Id al - shahid tughlaq shah and date in arabic.
bin on the left of Muhammad in Obverse
Wt : 9.10 gm
Ref: D371
Billon 10 Gani, 727 AH
Obv: Muhammad bin Tughluq shah
Rev: Al-sultan al-'Adil.
Wt : 3.53 gm
Dia: 13.5 mm
Ref: D373
Billon 8 Gani
Obv: fi zaman al-sultan al-adil muhammad bin tughlaq shah
Rev: damat sultanatuhu with date
Wt : 3.51 gm
Ref: D374
Billon 6 Gani
Obv: Al-mujahid fi sibil allah
Rev: Muhammad bin Tughlaqshah, date at bottom
Wt : 3.6 gm
Ref: D375
Billon 6 Gani
Obv: al rajl rahmat Allah al karim (Hoping for the mercy of Allah the beneficent)
Rev: Muhammad Bin Tughlaq shah and date written out
Wt : 3.6 gm
Ref: D377
Billon 6 Gani, AH734
Obv: al rajl rahmat Allah al karim (Hoping for the mercy of Allah the beneficent)
Rev: Muhammad Bin Tughlaq shah and date in digits
Wt : 3.55 g
Dia: 14.0 mm
Ref: D378
Billon 6 Gani, AH732
Obv: al mulk wal azamat allah
Rev: abd al rafl muhammad tughlaq
Wt : 3.36 gm
Dia: 15.6 mm Wider, early issue legends within the border
Ref: D379
Billon 2 Gani, 732 AH
Obv: al raij rahmat al karim
Rev: In double circle : Muhammad Tughlaq, Date around
Wt : 3.3 gm
Dia: 13.0 mm
Ref: D381
Billon 2 Gani, 732 AH
Obv: al mulk wa'l izzat lillah (the kingdom and glory belong to Allah)
Rev: In single circle muhammad tighlaq :date in Parsian around - Saal Bar Hafsad See Do.
Wt : 3.58 gm
Ref: D382
Overlay added
Copper 1 paika
Obv: Al sultan zill allah (the sultan the shadow of allah)
Rev: muhammad bin tughlaq shah
Wt : 4.48 gm
Dia: 14.8 mm
Ref: D390
Copper 1 paika
Obv: Muhammad bin Tughluq
Rev: Hasbi Rabbi (Sufficient is the Lord)
Wt : 3.58 gm
Overlay added
Copper 1 paika from South India
Obv: Al imam al adil
Rev: Muhammad bin tughlaq Shah
Wt : 3.34 gm
Dia: 14.6 mm
Ref: D395
Forced token coins quoting the sultans name.
Now we will see the infamous forced tankas and other denominations, which were made in copper and brass, yet values at per with silver coins. Thus these were counterfeited heavily, so the Sultan was forced to redeem these coins (both legal and illegal) at their face value.
Interestingly, in the forces tankas, Tughlaq introduced the practice of mentioning the mint names.
Brass Tanka from Dar al-Islam mint, 732 AH
Obv: Min ata 'al sultan faqad ala' al Rehman.(He who obeys Sultan obeys the merciful one); In circle- Dar Da'r al-Islam Saal Hafsad See Do.
Rev: Mihr shud tanka raij dur rozgar banda ummeedwar Muhammad Tughlaq (Struck as a current tanka, in the time of the servant hopeful of devine mercy, Mohammad Tughlaq)
Wt : 8.9 gm
Ref: D400
Overlay added
Brass Tanka of from Daulatabad mint 732 AH
Obv: Min ata'al sultan faqad ala'al Rehman.(He who obeys Sultan obeys the merciful one); In circle- dar takhtgah daulatabad sal bar hafsad-si-do (Struck at Takhtgah Daulatabad in seven hundred-thirty-two)
Rev: Mahr Shod Tankah Rai'j Dar Rozgar Banda Umeedvar Muhammad Tughluq
Wt : 9.21 gm
Ref: D401
Brass Tanka of 5 gani from Daulatabad mint 732 AH
Obv: Min ata'al sultan faqad ala'al Rehman.(He who obeys Sultan obeys the merciful one); In circle- dar takhtgah daulatabad sal bar hafsad-si-do (Struck at Takhtgah Daulatabad in seven hundred-thirty-two)
Rev: muhr shud tankah panchah gani dar rozgar bandah amidvar muhammad tughluq.(Sealed as a tanka of fifty gani, in the reign of the slave, hopeful of devine mercy, Muhammad Tughluq)
Wt : 8.25 gm
Ref: D402
Brass Tanka from Takhtgarh Dehli 730 AH
Obv: Min ata 'al sultan faqad ala' al Rehman.(He who obeys Sultan obeys the merciful one); In circle- Dar takhtgah dehli sal bar hafsad-si (Struck at Takhtgah Daulatabad in seven hundred-thirty)
Rev: Muhr shud tankah raij dar rozgar bandah amidvar Muhammad Tughluq.(Sealed as a tanka in the reign of the slave, hopeful of divine mercy, Muhammad Tughluq)
Wt : 9.11 gm
Ref: D403
Brass Tanka from Darra Dhar 731 AH
Obv: Min ata 'al sultan faqad ala' al Rehman.(He who obeys Sultan obeys the merciful one); In circle- Darra Dhar Saal Bar hafsad see yak
Rev: Muhr shud tankah raij dar rozgar bandah amidvar Muhammad Tughluq.(Sealed as a tanka in the reign of the slave, hopeful of divine mercy, Muhammad Tughluq)
Wt : 9.16 gm
Ref: D405
Brass 1/2 Tanka from Daulatabad mint
Obv: duriba hadha al nisfi fi zaman al-abd al-raij rahmat allah
Rev: muhammad bin tughlaq bi hadrat daultabad plus date written out
Wt : 6.94 gm
Dia: 20.8 mm
Ref: D409
Brass 1/2 Tanka
Obv: man ata'a al-sultan muhammad
Rev: fa-qad ata'a al-rahman tughluq
Wt : 7.3 gm
Ref: D410
Brass 1/2 Tanka 730 AH
Obv: obey allah and obey the prophet and those in authority among you (Qur'an IV,62) (English tranlation given in Coins of the Indian Sultanate, Goron and Goenka)
Rev: if there were no sultan verily the people would devour.(English tranlation)
Wt : 6.3 gm
Ref: D411
Brass Legal Dirham from Dar al Islam mint 730 AH
Obv: duriba al dirham shar fi zaman al abd muhammad bin tughlaq
Rev:bi dar al islam fi sanah , date in words
Wt : 5.29 gm
Dia: 16.0 mm
Ref: D412
Brass Legal Dirham from Hadrat Daulatabad mint 730 AH
Obv: duriba al dirham shar fi zaman al abd muhammad bin tughlaq
Rev:bi Hadrat Daulatabad fi sanah , date in words
Wt : 5.29 gm
Dia: 15.5 mm
Ref: D413
Brass Legal Dirham from dar al mulk Dehli mint 730 AH
Obv:Duriba al-dirham shar fi zaman al abd muhammad bin Tughlaq
Rev:bi dar al mulk Dehli fi sanah plus date in words
Wt : 4.8 gm
Ref: D414
Brass Legal Dirham from Hadrat Dehli mint
Obv:Duriba al-dirham shar fi zaman al abd muhammad bin Tughlaq
Rev:bi Hadrat Dehli fi sanah plus date in words
Wt : 5.28 gm
Dia: 15.8 mm
Ref: D415
Brass Legal Dirham from Hadrat Dehli mint
Obv:Duriba al-dirham shar fi zaman al abd muhammad bin Tughlaq (Zaman paced below al abd on Obverse)
Rev:bi Hadrat Dehli fi sanah plus date in words
Wt : 5.10 gm
Ref: D416
Copper Bi lingual legal dirham from south indian mint
Obv: In double circle: muhammad tughlak; around, sultan’s name in nagari
Rev: sikka zad ja ‘iz dar ahd banda umedwar muhmmad tughluq
Wt : 4.45g
Dia: 15.49mm
Ref: D417
Brass 1/4 Tanka from Daulatabad mint
Obv: duriba al-dirham shar I’ fi zaman al- abd muhammad bin tughluq,
Rev: Hadrat daulatabad sanah with date written out
Wt : 4.40 gm
Dia: 14.88 mm
Ref: D418
Brass 1/4 Tanka (rab'i) from Daulatabad mint
Obv: Muhammad bin tughluq
Rev: al-rab I duriba
Wt : 4.40 gm
Dia: 14.88 mm
Ref: D419
Brass 8 Gani from Daulatabad
Obv: Mauhammad Tughlaq
Rev: adl hasht gani
Wt : 3.40 gm
Ref: D421
Overlay added
Brass 2 Gani from Daulatabad
Obv: Mauhammad Tughlaq
Rev: Sikkha Do gani (the character to the left in the top line is a Hamza or a diphthong. It denotes the izafat or connection between two words. The legend is therefore 'Shikka-ye Do gani')
Wt : 1.84 gm
Ref: D422
Coins struck in the name of the Abbasid caliphs
Muhammad bin Tughlaq struck coins in name of the Abbasid Caliphs al- Mustakil and al Hakil II to get his sovereignty legitimized.
Billon Tanka in name of Caliph Al Mustaqfil
Obv:al-mustakfi billah amir al-muminin, Mint and Date in margin
Rev: al-imam al-aazam khilafat allah fi al alamin
Wt : 9.0 gm
Ref: D432
Copper falus of 32 rati in name of Caliph Al Mustaqfil
Obv: Allah al-kafi(Allah the Perfect),
Rev: wa 'l-Khalifat al-mustakfi
Wt : 3.16 gm
Dia: 13.15 mm
Ref: D437
Billion Tanka in name of Caliph al Hakim II
Obv: Allah al-Hakim bi-amr
Rev: Ahmad al-abbas Abu
Wt : 8.9 gm
Ref: D447
Both sides in sixfoil within circle; ahmad on top of reverse.
Billion Tanka in name of Caliph al Hakim II
Obv: Allah al-Hakim bi-amr
Rev: Ahmad al-abbas Abu
Wt : 8.5 gm
Ref: D448
Both sides in quatrefoil within circle.
Billion coin of 32 rati in name of Caliph al Hakim II
Obv: Allah al hakim bi amr ahmad
Rev: al abbas abu
Wt : 3.3 gm
Ref: D450
Copper falus in name of Caliph al Hakim II
Obv: Allah al hakim bi amr ahmad
Rev: al abbas abu
Wt : 3.39 gm
Dim: 11.00 x 11.83 mm
Ref: D451
Coins struck from bengal province
Apart from the extremely rare forced Tankas from Bengal mints like Lakhnauti or Sonargaon, Tanka standard coins were also struck in silver.
Silver Tanka struck with the Bengal Sultanate from Shahr Lakhnauti Mint
Obv: al mujahid fi sabil allh muhammad bin tughlaq shah. Four caliphs around
Rev: Shahada, mint and date in margin
Wt : 10.48g
Ref: B123
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